Little Sparta: Little Sparta Trust, 2007
15 x 10.5cm, 2pp postcard with a colour reproduction of a portrait of Finlay by Eileen Hogan. This is a card produced by the Trust as commercial venture. VG+.
Little Sparta: Little Sparta Trust, 2007
15 x 10.5cm, 2pp postcard with a colour reproduction of a portrait of Finlay by Eileen Hogan. This is a card produced by the Trust as commercial venture. VG+.
Little Sparta: Little Sparta Trust, 2007
15 x 10.5cm, 2pp postcard with a colour photograph of the gardens at Little Sparta taken by Andrew Lawson. This is the fourth of four such cards produced by the Trust as commercial venture. VG+.
Little Sparta: Little Sparta Trust, 2007
15 x 10.5cm, 2pp postcard with a colour photograph of the gardens at Little Sparta taken by Andrew Lawson. This is the third of four such cards produced by the Trust as commercial venture. VG+.
Little Sparta: Little Sparta Trust, 2007
15 x 10.5cm, 2pp postcard with a colour photograph of the gardens at Little Sparta taken by Andrew Lawson. This is the second of four such cards produced by the Trust as commercial venture. VG+.
Little Sparta: Little Sparta Trust, 2007
15 x 10.5cm, 2pp postcard with a colour photograph of the gardens at Little Sparta taken by Andrew Lawson. This is the first of four such cards produced by the Trust as commercial venture. VG+.
Edinburgh: The State of Art, September 2006
34 x 28cm, 32pp, Single number of an art journal in the form of a tabloid newspaper with a double page article on Finlay by his collaborator Richard Demarco written six months after the former's death. As usual Demarco manages to make the article mostly about his own role in the poet's success. Folded for storage else VG.
Orkney: Piers Arts Centre, n.d. (2006)
15.4 x 11.6cm, 2pp. B/w postcard with the title sculpture reproduced on the front photographed by Robin Gillanders. Commercial art postcard. VG+
Edinburgh: Wild Hawthorn Press, 2006
21 x 15cm, 4pp plus cared covers. Order of service for the Memorial Service held in Greyfriars Tolbooth and Highland Kirk on 3 April 2006. Attending I was surprised it was so religious in content as I had not perceived that Finlay was particularly Christian even if he sometimes used the bible as source material. The alter was laid out with many of his toy yachts, Alec Finlay, Ian's son, gave a moving Eulogy where I remember him saying fittingly that all disputes with his dad and others were now over. Some poems of Finlay were read and Stephan Bann gave a short appreciation. It was a sad affair, of course, as all such events are. VG+
Edinburgh: The Herald, 28 March 2006
56 x 40cm, 30pp, Tabloid newspaper with an obituary by Moira Jeffrey of Finlay who had died the previous day. Folded for storage else VG.
Edinburgh: The Scotsman, 28 March 2006
37 x 29cm, 66pp, Tabloid newspaper with an obituary by Remove term: Alisdair Steven of Finlay who had died the previous day. Folded for storage else VG.
N.P. (London): n.p. (Tate Gallery), 2005
20.5 x 12.7cm, 1pp typographic menu for a lunch in honour of Finlay at the Tate Gallery - opening speech by Nicolas Serota and a performance by the Chromsa Chamber Ensemble of String Quartet No. 2: Ring of Waves, which may well have been inspired by Finlay. Also a talk by Stephen Bann on Little Sparta. The food and wine looks nice. Finlay died in the following year. VG+.
Edinburgh: Scottish Poetry Library, n.d. (2005)
30 x 21cm, 1pp library handout with the list of prints displayed in a small exhibition of prints from the Library's collection. VG+.