SPATIAL POEM No. 2. 1976.


Tokyo: s.p. (Shiomi), n.d. (c. 1975)

30 x 84cm, b/w offset poster which was designed by Shiomi as part of her 1965 project where she asked a large number of artists to send her details of what they were doing on October 15th 1965 and the direction that they were facing. The map shows where and what Ben Vautier, Robert Filliou, Ian Hamilton Finlay, George Maciunas. Eric Andersen, Robin Page, Stanley Brouwn, Tomas Schmit, Alison Knowles, Daniel Spoerri, Dieter Rott, Bob Watts, Alison Knowles, Ay-o, Duck Higgins and many more. Limited edition but the number printed is not known. VG if very slightly faded at the edges. Rare,

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