Prague: s.p., 1984
41 x 30cm, 9pp (recto only). Perfect bound. Xerox reproduced. Covers. A samizdat publication produced by Bernat who had been previously jailed in Czechoslovakia for pornographic offences (which was a trumped up charge as his crime, we understand, involved publishing a painting of Hitler reading a comic with a smiley on the front). One interesting anecdote about Bernat was that the Czech secret police tried to recruit informers about him by showing them copies of the Parisian review Le Bande de Melog which published Bernat – unfortunately for them they neglected to note that their potential recruit, the poet Jan Gabriel, was also published in the pages of the same review! A scarce example of underground illustration art. Covers grubby but otherwise very good +. Additionally this copy is signed and dedicated by Bernat to a friend on the inside page. Limitation not known but not many as is usual with Samizdat semi-illegal publications.
30 x 21cm, 1pp. Magenta on white letterhead. Fine.
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