
Dunsyre, Lanark: Wild Hawthorn Press, n.d. (1980)

6 x9.2cm, 8pp plus card wrappers and printed dust jacket. The four printed pages has one word each:

5. Baroque

6. Barque

7. Bark

8. Baroque

and there is a reference to W. Lee Rensselaer’s Names on Trees on the inner cover. That book is a literary and artistic analysis of the story of Angelica and Medoro in Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso. One aspect of Angelica’s love for Medoro is that she carved the lovers’ names on trees. Hence once can read the book as a visual poem of boats (Barque/Bark) and woods (Bark/Baroque) with the reference to baroque also referring to the art style of the 17th century. VG+

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