BLACK DRESS (FROM SMS PORTFOLIO NR 1). 1968.NYC: Letter Dressed in Black Press, 1968 25 x 25cm black envelope with a silkscreen image of Byars Four in a dress. Content of a folded “dress”, With 3 holes and 1 “cap” representing the 4 dancers who performed in a 1968 performance sculpture by James Lee Byars. The dress opens out to 50cm dia. One of 1,200 copies released as part of Copley’s famous SMS portfolios.
THE EPITAPH OF CON. ART IS WHICH QUESTIONS HAVE DISAPPEARED. 1969.Antwerpen: Wide White Space, 1969 A long horizontal strip of white paper (7 x 80 cm), with text printed offset black (0.55 x 34.3 cm). Together with the large white paper envelope (24.2 x 30 cm), with text printed offset black, in which the ephemera, being crumpled in a ball shape, had to be placed. Our copy is flat and unfolded.
100,000 MINUTES / OR THE BIG SAMPLE OF BYARS/ OR 1/2 AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY / OR THE FIRST PAPER OF PHILOSOPHY. 1969.100,000 MINUTES / OR THE BIG SAMPLE OF BYARS/ OR 1/2 AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY / OR THE FIRST PAPER OF PHILOSOPHY. 1969.Antwerpen: Wide White Space, 1969 27 x 20cm, unpaginated (200pp printed recto only). Original wrappers. Byars’ first ever artist’s book printed black on pink paper. One of only 250 examples. VG+.
PLEASE COME TO THE TV BALL….. 1969.N.p.: n.p. 1969 35cm x 35cm, red tissue paper in the shape of a five pointed star with the text: “Please come to the TV Ball at the Garden Store Showroom on Fear. 27 at 7pm (for 1 hour as Tribute to Jeff (sic actually “Jef”) Cornells and the TV Staff and to the success of the James Lee Byars world Question Centre. The World Question Center, was a construction of the artist which was featured in a live broadcast on Belgian television in 1969, where students phoned famous intellectuals to discover what questions they were asking themselves. This rare ephemera is one of the earliest of Byars’ paper works. Folded for mailing there are tiny tears on some edges but over all VG for such a delicate item.
JAMES LEE BYARS AT WIDE WHITE SPACE. 1969.Antwerpen: Wide White Space, 1969 12 x 12cm, 2pp. Typographic card with tiny text printed green on white. Notes the performances of A PINK SILK AIRPLANE FOR 100 1000 MINUTES OF ATTENTION OR 1/2 AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF JAMES LEE BYARS. VG+.
WWS HAS BEEN RENAMED THE INSTITUTE FOR THE ADVANCED STUDY OF JAMES LEE BYARS. 1969.Antwerpen: Wide White Space, 1969<BR> 11.5cm, die cut five pointed star printed black on white card. Announcement card (which does not give the date of the show in April 1969 at the Wide White Space gallery) - while ostensibly an invite card the work is much more akin to one of the artist's paper object multiples . Scarce. VG+.
BABY BAUDELAIRE. 1969. FOLDED OFFPRINT SHEET FROM 1,000,000 MINUTES WITH HAND ADDRESSED AND FRANKED.BABY BAUDELAIRE. 1969. FOLDED OFFPRINT SHEET FROM 1,000,000 MINUTES WITH HAND ADDRESSED AND FRANKED.Antwerpen: Wide White Space, 1969<BR> 28 x 21.4cm, 1pp black on pink paper. A single offprinted sheet (not cut out) of a page from Byars' first ever book (1,000,000 minutes or the big sample of Byars or 1/2 an autobiography or the first paper of philosophy) with the title text "Baby Baudelaire" in the artist's facsimile hand. Folded and sent out by the Wide White Space gallery presumably to promote the book. Not found in any Byars reference. VG+. JOINT: Antwerpen: Wide White Space, 1969<BR> 12.5 x 15.5cm, white printed envelope with the address of the gallery top right on the front. This is a hand-written and franked item but in VG+ condition although there are two tiny holes for a past staple apparent at the top. Scarce if admittedly entirely ephemeral.
ANNOUNCEMENT LEAFLET FOR THIS IS THE GHOST OF JAMES LEE BYARS. 1969.Antwerpen: A 37 90 89, 1969 21 x 15cm, 1pp printed red on white paper. The typographic design announcement of Broodthaer's Museum Voor Moderne Kunst Department des Aigles Section XVII E along with the performance by James Lee Byars of "This is the Ghost of James Lee Byars Calling" on the 5th October 1969 which lasted from 1pm until 7pm. This performance pre-dated the work being recreated and eveolved at the Eugenia Butler gallery in the same year (the first involved an entirely dark room, the Los Angeles recreation a room entirely decked in red. One slight ink mark next to the Broodthaers' listing else VG+. Very scarce.
THIS IS THE GHOST OF JAMES LEE BYARS CALLING. 1969.Los Angeles: Eugenia Butler Gallery, 1969 15 x 21cm, 1pp typographic announcement card card with the text printed offset in black: “This is the Ghost of James Lee Byars Calling. 615 N. La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.” on a pink yardstick. The famous performance in the conceptual art gallery. Rare variant announcement. Fine.
THIS IS THE GHOST OF JAMES LEE BYARS CALLING. 1969.Los Angeles: Eugenia Butler Gallery, 1969 16cm dia, pentagon shaped gold card with the text printed offset in red: "This is the Ghost of James Lee Byars Calling. 615 N. La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.”. The famous performance in the conceptual art gallery. This example has a short handwitten note by Byars in red pen on the reverse - " First meeting with RobbeGrillet (next word hard to read) phone silence". Presumably referring to the French cineast. Scarce.
TWO UNIQUE LETTERS BY JAMES LEE BYARS FROM THE EARLY 1970SByars, James Lee LETTER TO PAUL JOLLES c. 1968 – 1974 Three semi-circle sheets of black paper – approx 31 x 15.5cm, both with original gold writing on them – the texts read CONGRATULATE YOU, ON THE NEW FIVE 5 and R. COIN BRILLIANT respectively. All in original 11.5 x 11.5cm white envelope with a large J in starry lettering (also in gold) and numbered 1 also by Byars. The black paper is folded twice to fit the envelope. AND JOINT WITH Byars, James Lee LETTER TO PAUL JOLLES c. 1968 – 1974 Two semi-circle sheets of black paper – approx 31 x 15.5cm, all with original gold writing on them – the texts read MONEY (YR DESIGN) and P.S.I. respectively. Both in original 11.5 x 11.5cm white envelope with a large J in starry lettering (also in gold) and numbered 2 also by Byars. The black paper is folded twice to fit the envelope. Paul Jolles was a Swiss diplomat who Byars befriended after he met the artist at the Toni Gerber Gallery in Bern. One paper scuff on the opposite side of the letter (where there is no text) and heavily folded but a typical and early brief from the romantic minimalist. The two letters should be read in order to make sense of the entire message.
ISI AFTER ALL THE ANTWERP EXCITMENT.... UNIQUE LARGE HANDWRITTEN LETTER. 1970.53 x 53 cm, blue ink on light blue paper. A unique handwritten letter from Byars to Isy Fiszman (a patron of the arts who supported a number of artists including Marcel Broodthaers, Joseph Beuys, Panamarenko, Hanne Darboven and others as well as Byars. The text of the letter is hinting (as always with Byars) for money. it reads: "Isi after all the Antwerp excitement I've lauded on cool circumstance, finding as I guess happened at Dusseldorf few details considered well done and compromise without informing me beforehand whereby I could have made adjustments so it is not good for me to ask for support for A at this time. I do hope it goes on and I will tell everybody about it - could you fly a young artist over? Later on? Of course I'll be looking for correspondence type works - the tape record didn't arrive not did the autobiography?? 1000s of messages are here - I'm editing for an eatable (sic) book - I look forward to more of you and Antwerp if all goes well. Love J'. Folded for storage/sending else VG+.
NOT I. 1973. UNIQUE APPROPRIATED BOOK SENT BY BYARS TO JAMES BUTLER. 1973.Beckett, Samuel NOT I London: Faber & Faber, 1973 19.5 x 12cm, 16pp plus original wrappers. First edition of this printing of the famous solo play where an isolated mouth tells a rambling tale of a life from the point of death backwards. Byars has appropriated this important book as he often did with publications he deemed important or, in some way, conceptual and has written in pencil “J. LOVES J.” on the first blank page in his starry letting. He then sent the book to James Butler – his close friend and gallerist. The text means “James Loves James”. A unique work with amazing association.
THE PERFECT LOVE LETTER/WRITE I LOVE YOU BACKWARDS IN THE AIR. 1973. SIGNED ON BOTH SIDES BY BYARS.30cm dia. black card circle with the printed text in small text in the centre of one side - THE PERFECT LOVE LETTER - and on the other WRITE I LOVE YOU BACKWARDS IN THE AIR. Both sides are signed in white by Byars in his starry letting. One of a number of such works released in 1973 - each unique. VG+.
A & B READY TO DO SOME FANT SHOW LOVE B. 1973. ADDRESSED TO JAMES BUTLER WITH NOTE.Antwerpen : Wide White Space, 1973 15 x 10.5cm, 2pp. Announcement card printed blue on white on the front with the title starry drawing. This example of the card is hand addressed to James Butler and with a note from Byars to his close friend and gallerist. Fine with an amazing association.
THE GOLDEN TOWER. 1974.Byars, James Lee Berlin: Galerie R. Springel, 1974 180 x 48cm. Two conjoined sheets of black paper printed in gold. The length of both sheets together is equivalent of Byars height (5’11”). Texts in the top half consist of 100 sentences selected from Shakespeare edited by Byars, containing the word ‘Gold’, the texts in the bottom half consist of texts by H. Szeemann, K. Ruhrberg, T. Deecke, H. Retzner, L. Burkhardt, W. Schmied, M. Haerdter, prof. Eliot. Issued as the “catalogue” for the exhibition “The Golden Tower”, under the artist program, the Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD, 1974. Framed in wood and glass – fine.
WELCHEN SINN HAT MALEN? 1974. WITH PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT OF BYARS ON COVER.Hamburg: s.p. (Hacker), 1974 15.2 x 10.5cm, 28pp (self cover). Theoretical artist's book written by Hacker at a time when he was visiting professor at the Hochschule fur Bildende Kiinste, Hamburg. The book asks the question - "What Is the Sense of Painting?" and is part of the artist's slow return to the act of marking canvasses. The cover of the book shows a b/w photograph of James Lee Byars during a performance and a second b/w image inside the book appears to also be Byars performing on the side of the Rhine in the rain but this is uncredited. Small cut to the top right of the book that runs through all the pages but it is not very distracting. Else VG+.
THE PERFECT KISS. 1975. BOTH BLACK AND WHITE VARIANTS WITH ENVELOPE.Paris, June 7, 1975 10 x 15.5 cm, 1pp announcement card with the embossed text: “The Louvre secretly invites you to the perfect kiss presented by James Lees Byars by the favour of the Germains at the door of the pavilion Denon on Saturday June 7th 1975 at 11 A.M. exactly”. Designed by J.L. Byars. This is the black variant. JOINT: Original black envelope the card was mailed in. AND Paris, June 7, 1975 10 x 15.5 cm, 1pp announcement card with the embossed text: “The Louvre secretly invites you to the perfect kiss presented by James Lees Byars by the favour of the Germains at the door of the pavilion Denon on Saturday June 7th 1975 at 11 A.M. exactly”. Designed by J.L. Byars. This is the white variant.
A MILLION RANDOM DIGITS WITH 100,000 NORMAL DEVIATES. 1975. UNIQUE APPROPRIATED BOOKNYC: The Rand Corporation, 1975 27 x 20.7cm, 200pp. black boards. An appropriated book which Byars has claimed as his own by signing the first black end paper with his name and the date in his starry letting. Given as a gift the book is a listing of supposed random numbers which clearly appealed to Byars interest in the immaterial and the universal. Fine condition. Unique.
BUTLER THE WORLD'S MOST GRACIOUS MAN. BYARS. 1975. UNIQUE MAIL ART.16 x 8cm, 6pp. Single folded printed card. Unique mail art work sent from Bern to James Butler by Byars in August 1975 (from postmark) comprising a breakfast menu from the hotel (Guten Morgen/Bonjour/Good Morning/Ohayo Gozaimasu/Buenos Dias/Buon Giorno/Boker Tov printed on the front) and on the open middle pages with the food options Byars has written across the top in his starry handwriting :”BUTLER THE WORLD’S MOST GRACIOUS MAN. BYARS” and on the back panel “WITH SOFT SEATS AND A 2 O’CLOCK CHECKOUT TIME EXQUIS INTELLIGOUT” (sic). JOINT WITH 9 x 17,3cm, pink mailing envelope hand addressed by Byars with return hand written address. A mailed and franked example./ Unique work.
THE PLAY OF DEATH. 1976.=Koln: Byars, 1976 15 x 50cm, white on black poster/banner with title press. The Play of Death was a performance by Byars sponsored by Dr Reiner Speck who reserved the 13 first-floor rooms of the Domhotel Cologne where at 12am on a particular date all the shutters were simultaneously thrown open by Byars and 12 doctors dressed in black. Very scarce. Fine.
WE INVITE YOU TO A HALO AROUND THE ICC ON SUNDAY AT 11 O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING. 1976.Antwerp: ICC, 1976 30 x 21cm, 1pp. Single sheet of paper with the title text printed in a single line in the middle of the sheet. The announcement for a performance by Byars – “Action by James Lee byars in front of the I.C.C. on the Meir, Antwerps’ busiest shopping street. The proportional analogy between the width of the facade of the I.C.C. and the width of the street, inspired James Lee Byars for this action. Under the watchful eye of Byars, I.C.C. director Flor Bexstarts with the painting of a semicircle on the street in front of the building. The original plan was to give a performance at the exact centre of the halo, but Bex was caught red handed and arrested by a patrol of the Antwerp police. Byars, who had gone “missing” when the boys in blue arrived, eventually gave his performance, under the form of a reception in an unfinished halo.” Leaflet is folded twice in the middle else VG. JOINT WITH ORIGINAL POSTAL ENVELOPE – A stamped, addressed and mailed example to Thomas Longo of LA. Opened neatly.
UNTITLED (MAIL ART WORK). 1976.Belgium: s.p. (Byars), 1976 A 14 X 10.5CM, hand clipped (b/w offset photograph of James Lee Byars in an unknown performance where the artist appears to be dressed in a costume with feathers along the arms to mimic a bird. JOINT WITH ORIGINAL POSTAL ENVELOPE – A stamped, addressed and mailed example to Thomas Longo of LA. Hand addressed by Byars and with the return address of the artist in Belgium.
JAMES LEE BYARS / EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL. 1976.Antwerpen: ICC, 1976 30 x 21cm, 4pp plus 1pp insert riveted into the centre. Paper edition with a text in Dutch, English and German and a small 1cm square original photograph tipped on of the artist. Fine. Limitation unknown.
HAND-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE TO T. LONGO BY BYARS. 1976.Standard white envelope hand addressed (with a couple of stars) by Byars to T. Longo of Los Angeles who Byars has nicknamed "Peachy Keen", The envelope has been mailed and is franked and dated 23.8.1976 and sent from Belgium. A few stains and marks from the postal service else VG.
JAMES LEE BYARS. 1977.Eindhoven: Van Abbemuseum, 1977 8 x 13cm, Piece of white silk with “James Lee Byars” printed in black in the middle enclosed in white paper envelope printed “13 MAART 13.30 UUR / VAN ABBEMUSEUM EINDHOVEN” to flap. A rather lovely announcement object which may be regarded as a Byars’ edition. Fine.
TH FR TO IN PH? 1977. ONE OF 330 NUMBERED COPIES.Mönchengladbach: Städtisches Museum, 1977 19,5 x 15,2 x 7 cm printed two part gold card box content of a crumpled black tissue with the title text printed on it in gold. The initials in the title stands for “The first totality interrogated philosophy?”. One of 330 numbered examples. Slight wear to box else VG. Very scarce.
JAMES LEE BYARS AT VENICE BIENNALE. UNIQUE PHOTOGRAPH. 1977.9 X 12.4cm, unique vintage b/w photograph of Byars with his head entirely hidden by a white scarf. Photographer unknown. On reverse in blue ink; "James lee Byars/Biennale Venice'. VG+.
JAMES LEE BYARS. BERN 1978.Switzerland: Kunsthalle Bern 1978 24.5 x 24.5cm, unpaginated – approx 80pp plus card covers. Exhibition catalogue and artist’s book designed by the artist – b/w images are alternated with text by the artist. Covers a bit grubby (as almost always found) and a little fading to rear covers but otherwise very good. The first of the "white books" by the artist which coincided with this major retrospective where many sculptural objects were displayed for the first time since the artist’s early career when he displayed stones alongside a walk in his parents’ home.
THE PERFECT WHISPER. 1978.Bern: Kunstmuseum Bern, 1978 21 x 15cm, 4pp. The programme for Byars' famous minimalist action that took place in the museum where he whispered inside the galleries reserved for the Old Masters. This is the extremely hard to find "programme"/museum handout for that event with a text in Germany by Jurgen Glaesemer. VG+.
DEVIL. 1978.Bern : Artists Press/Temporary Travelling Press Publications # 12., 1978 21 x 15 cm red card folder (opens to 21 x 30 cm). Gold printed title. On opening a red cord can be seen to be glued into the centerfold of the folder. The total length of cord is 185 cm (the artist’s height). At exactly the mid point of the cord, 3 additional cords of 92cm each are knotted onto the assembly. On one of these cords yet another cord is knotted after exactly 38 cm. Only 150 copies were made of this self-referential object multiple, each individually numbered. VG example. Scarce.
THE 5 CONTINENT DOCUMENTA. 1979.Groningen: Museum und Corps de Garde, 1979. Three sheets of black tissue paper mounted together to form the number “7”. Folded size: 18.5 x 12.5 cm. Unfolded: 225 x 125 cm. Printed with the text “The Five Continent Documenta 7” printed offset gold. Very good condition. Very limited unnumbered edition. Please note that for this item we have used a stock photograph from other sources.
COMMERCIAL POSTCARD WITH HANDWRITTEN DRAWING BY BYARS TO EUGENIA BUTLER. UNIQUE MAIL ART 197910.5 x 21cm, 2pp commercial postcard of a Caspar David Friedrich painting and on the back a handwritten text in Byars’ starry hand which reads “Also sorry not in town love Byars”. This was sent by the artist to The Butlers (Eugenia and her husband who were early supporters of Byars.) Mailed.
LETTER TO JAN HOET. c. 1980s?47 x 47cm, pencil on red silk paper which is in the shape of a triangle. The text reads: "1 - 1 - 15/YES JAN YES ON MAY FOR THE EXHIBITION OF JAMES LEE BYARS WE MUST HURRY HERE'S .." It is not clear if part of this letter is missing. What is missing is the top of the letter because when we opened the framing after an auction house purchase at Bernaerts it was clear that damp had caused part of the paper to stick to the glass and tear off. Get good condition reports before bidding.
JAMES LEE BYARS. c. 1980. OBJECT MULTIPLE NOT IN LITERATURE.N.p. (Bern?):n.p., n.d. (c. 1980) 0.75 plastic sphere overprinted with the artist's name. One of an unknown edition issued by the artist - here from the collection of Marianne Büchler, an art historian and a friend of Byars. VG+. Rare.
KOWALSKI 1969 - 1972. c.1980. UNIQUE SMALL WORK.6 x 4.5 x 3.5cm (approx) found stone upon which Byars has written "KOWALSKI 1969 - 1972" in black ink. Piotr Kowalksi was an artist friend of Byars (And who owned several works by the latter) and this appears to be a homage to the former, although we do not know the meaning of the dates chosen other than it appears Byars first met Kowalski in 1969 at the studio of Sara Holt and both Byars and Kowalksi had shows at the Kunsthalle Bern. A small unique work owned by the Swiss collector and art historian Marianne Büchler. We estimate the date of origin of this work as c. 1980.
UNTITLED. c. 1980. UNIQUE WORK - SMALL ENVELOPE & PHOTOGRAPHS PAINTED GOLD.6 x 4.5cm, hand-made paper envelope which has been painted gold (possibly using spray paint) and is content of five different small cards (each 5.6 x 4.2cm) which have also been spray-painted gold. Under the gold it appears there are five scenes of alpine houses and landscapes which are only visible because the gold has never dried and comes off with any disturbance or handling. A curious small unique work by Byars which was a gift from him to the collector and art historian Marianne Büchler. We estimate this work to have been made around 1980. Fragile and very unusual.
UNTITLED (GOLDEN FISHING HOOK). c. 1980. UNIQUE SMALL WORK.3,5 x 1.7cm, gold-coloured metal fishing hook - a gift from the artist to the collector and art historian Marianne Büchler. We estimate this work to have been made around 1980. The gold colour was often used by Byars to symbolise perfection and beauty. The metaphor of a fishing hook can only be guessed at.
THE VERY GREAT SEARCH FOR JAMES LEE BYARS. 1981.Munster: Westfalischen Kunstwerein, 1981 15 x 10.5cm, 4pp (horizontal fold). Announcement card printed in black on white for three performances by Byars in the Botanical Gardens – The Perfect Kiss, The Perfect Cheek and The Perfect Fragrance. B/w image of the Botanical Garden’s greenhouse on the front. One yellow stain to inside of card else VG.
THE VERY GREAT SEARCH FOR JAMES LEE BYARS. 1981.Munster: Westfalischen Kunstwerein, 1981 15 x 10.5cm, 4pp (horizontal fold). Announcement card printed in black on white for three performances by Byars in the Botanical Gardens – The Perfect Kiss, The Perfect Cheek and The Perfect Fragrance. B/w image of the Botanical Garden’s greenhouse on the front. One yellow stain to inside of card else VG. This design and typography of the card is very similar to that of an earlier announcement by Byars in 1975 in Amsterdam’s Der Appel.
JAMES LEE BYARS. 1981. HAND ADDRESSED BY BYARS TO MICHAEL GIBBS THE POETAmsterdam: Galerie Helen van der Meij, 1981 10.5 x 15cm, 1pp. Announcement card with the title text (the artist’s name) printed in tiny type on the front of the leaflet. Mailed example hand addressed by Byars to the Dutch poet Michael Gibbs. Fine but some marks from the mailing process.
JAMES LEE BYARS. AMSTERDAM 1981.Amsterdam: Galerie Helen van der Meij, 1981 10.5 x 15cm, 1pp. Announcement card with the title text (the artist’s name) printed in tiny type on the front of the leaflet. Mailed example hand addressed by Byars to the Dutch poet Michael Gibbs. Fine but some marks from the mailing process.
JAMES LEE BYARS. 1981.Köln : Galerie Michael Werner,1981 21 x 30cm, single sheet of black paper folded into thirds with the tiny text : “JAMES LEE BYARS” on the middle of the sheet. Announcement paper sculpture. JOINT WITH Original printed envelope (mailed) which was addressed to the gallerist Morgan Thomas Butler. Both fine.
THE BLACK PAPER ON ART. 1982n.p. (Münster): n.p. (Westfälischen Kunstverein), n.d. (1982) 23.7cm diameter black paper circle with the text "THE BLACK PAPER ON ART" printed in gold in the centre of the sheet. Published during the exhibition "James Lee Byars at Westfälischen Kunstverein, Munster from 18 luglio - 26 settembre 1982. VG+. Scarce.
JAMES LEE BYARS. PARIS 1983.Paris: ARC, Musee d’art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1983 22 x 22 cm, 332 pages, exhibition catalogue/artist’s bookwith many blank pages between which are sprinkled Byars’ epigrams with some illustrations in black and white of works. Slight grubbiness to wrappers.
THE CUBE BOOK. 1983.Eindhoven: Stedelijk van Abbemuseum, 1983 16.5 x 16.5 x 16.5cm, cubic artists’ book content of 924pp. Self cover. Texts by James Lee Byars and Piet de Jonghe. Some b/w illustrations of works., The famous artist’s book issued in 500 copies on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Stedelijk van Abbemuseum. VG+.
PARAVENTS. 1984.Lorsfeld: Schloss Lorsfeld, 1984 27 x 27 cm, unpaginated (c.100pp) plus (double) card covers. An exhibition curated by Jule Werner in 1983 in the setting of the German castle. Original full color plates of numerous artist’s ‘paravents’ (screens used to allow the changing of clothes without a lack of modesty) created by Erik Andriesse, James Lee Byars, Eli Content, William Copley, Rene Daniels, Marlene Dumas, Antonius Hockelmann, Jorg Immendorff, Anselm Kiefer, Per Kirkeby, Imi Knoebel, Hendrik Krawen, Markus Lupertz, Stephen McKenna, A.R. Penck, Sigmar Polke, Gerhard Richter, Andreas Schulze, Seton Smith. Each artist’s work is included with a full colour image although Byar’s is a more conceptual work and the images are from his starry drawings. Fine.
SECRET EVENTS. 1985.Firenze: Zona Archives Outside Projects, 1985 10.5 x 15cm, 1pp. Announcement card for a series of installations placed in “secret” throughout Florence. Other artists include Daniel Buren, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Terry Fox, General Idea, Jenny Hozer, Barbara Kruger, Sol Lewitt, Maurizio Nannucci and Lawrence Weiner. Fine.
JAMES LEE BYARS. 1985.NYC: Mary Boone, 1985 27.5 x 23.5cm, 20pp + 2pp black endpapers and card covers also in black with gold foil stamping. Exhibition catalogue displaying four works all full colour and one double page and a full page photographic portrait of Byars wearing his gold suit while standing on rocks. Short essay by Remo Guidieri. Very good +.
IGITUR OU LA FOLIE D’ELBEHNON/I GIVE YOU GENIUS AGAIN. 1985. UNIQUE APPROPRIATED BOOKParis: Gallimard, 1925/1985 23.5 x 18.5cm, 84pp. Original wrappers. The first edition of this collection of texts by the poet issued in an edition of 850 copies by Byars’ favourite publisher. An uncut copy but pages are browned. One the first page Byars has appropriated the book by adding the text “I GIVE YOU GENIUS AGAIN!” in red ink in his starry hand. VG. Unique thus.
UNTITLED PHOTOGRAPH OF THE ARTIST TALKING TO TWO PEOPLE. c. 1985.c. 1985 18 x 24cm, 1pp. Original b/w image of the artist in Dusseldorf (outside the KAI Museum) talking to two young people.. Byars is in his gold coat and wearing his black top hat. Fine. On r everse is the copyright for Heinz-Gunter Mebusch. No date but probably c. 1985.
LOLS. c. 1985UNIQUE LETTER ON INDIAN PAPER 21 x 18cm. Unique hand drawn letter – red ink on a gold and red piece of Indian parchment, The text in Byars’ starry hand is hard to read but seems to be Lols – which is possible as the earliest use of that acronym was in the 1980s rather than later. Fine although slight scratches on the printed gold area.
THE PHILOSOPHICAL PALACE. 1986. WITH THE SPINNING ORACLE…..Byars, James Lee THE PHILOSOPHICAL PALACE. 1986. Düsseldorf: Städtische Kunsthalle, 1986 26 x 18cm, gold cardboard slipcase content of a 25.5 x 17.5cm, 148pp book with gold embossed black boards. Exhibition catalogue for the “James Lee Byars, Palace of Philosophy” exhibition. Texts in English and German. Illustrated throughout in colour and b/w. Fine. INSERTED Byars, James Lee THE SPINNING ORACLE….. N.p. (Dusseldorf): n.p., n.d.d (1986) 30 x 21cm, 2pp. Gold on black printed text in Byars’ facsimile hand on one side and a text in German (printed in a typographic font) on the other. Folded with two horizontal creases. Scarce ephemera / print.
BUY THE PERFECT DEATH DEATH FOR JOSEPH BEUYS. c. 1986?n.p.: n.p., n.d. (1986?) 26 x 19.5cm, 1pp black on white offset. A single sheet reproducing a work by Byars in honour of Beuys. We cannot find a reference for this work but it may have been made after Beuys died suddenly in January 1986. Byars and Beuys were friends for nearly 20 years and regularly corresponded. This has stapled holes along the top and some closed tears and former creases. It was found stapled into one of James Collins' diaries (1986) in his archives.
SKULPTUR. BASELITZ BROODTHAERS BYARS IMMEDNDORFF KIRKEBY LUPERTZ A. R. PENCK. 1986.Koln: Michael Werner, 2986 35 x 60cm, b/w exhibition poster with an especially drawn graphic by Immendorff showing all of the participating artists in a scene - Broodthaers being dead by this point is sitting at a table aloof, James Lee Byars is standing near one of his sculptures at the back of the scene while Baselitz is working on a sculpture swinging an axe wildly, the others are also making art. The best of ephemera. Foled several times for mailing else VG+.
POALAST DE PHILOSOPHIE/THE PHILOSOPHICAL PALACE. 1986.Düsseldorf: Städtische Kunsthalle, 1986 10.5 x 21cm, gold on black typographic announcement card for Byar's solo show. On the reverse there are announcements for a Beuys posthumous exhibition and for Bruno Goller. VG+.
30 X 40 - PERSONLICH. 1986.Bonn: Raum 41, 1986 21 x 15cm, 2pp announcement leaflet for a photographic edition by Franz Fischer of an image of Beuys and James Lee Byars shown from above to only see their respective headgear - Beuys's hat and Byars' top hat. Posthumous to Beuys of course but not Byars. VG+.
VENICE A PORTABLE READER. 1987. UNIQUE BOOK WITH STARRY WRITING.NYC: Frontier Books, 1987 21 x 13.6cm, 242pp. Original wrappers. A book that contains texts about Venice where Byars purchased the book. Inside Byars has drawn a number of small motifs and texts over several pages. The first page has the text in red ink hand written by Byars: “JLB’s magic city – never entered never left/ I marry JLB in Venice a red gondola wedding full moon” And below in larger starry letting “ **** Gondalini/ rings for the sea” and “James Lee Byars Venice 1987” On the second page there are eight small sketches of geometric shapes (with stars) which might be sculptures and a large text “ The Blue Path” again in starry lettering. An unique work by the artist given as a gestural gift and showing his love of the Italian city. Slight wear to wrappers (predating Byars appropriation) else VG+.
THE BLACK PAPER ON ART. 1982. WITH ORIGINAL DRAWING BY BYARS.Munster: Westfalischer Kunstverein, 1987 24cm dia, printed gold on black tissue with the title text in small lettering. Object multiple issued during the exhibition James Lee Byars at Westfälischen Kunstverein, Munster from 18 July - 26 September 1982. but this example is unique given that Byars has drawn a circle with a star in black ink below the golden text (hard to see but the photograph allows you look closely). One ink drop on the right of the paper has caused minor discolouration else VG. JOINT: A handwritten letter from the curator at Westfalischer Kunstverein to Herr Meir offering the work as a gift. Dated 29 August 1987.
BEAUTY GOES AVANTGARDE. 1987.Köln : Galerie Michael Werner, 1987 57 x 44cm, b/w folded exhibition poster with an image of a Byars drawing (possibly of the title text but it is hard to read). Fine. JOINT WITH 10.5 x 10cm, (approx) fragment of the original printed mailing envelope from the gallery (address has been removed but printed portion remains). Both fine.
JAMES LEE BYARS TONY CRAGG DONALD JUDD RICHARD PAUL LOHSE LUIGO MAINOLFI KLAUS METTIG. 1988.Castello di Rivoli: Mueo d'arte Contemporanea, 1988 10.5 x 15cm, 1pp. Typographic design announcement card for a group show which included Byars alongside Cragg, Judd, Lohse, Mainolfi and Mettic. Unmailed example - VG+.
J.-H. M. B. P. F. F. (JEAN HUBERT MARTIN BOUGHT FOR FRANCE). 1989.Florence: Germain, 1989 21 x 14.5cm, 4pp. Self-cover. Artist’s book – with a poem by Herbert – the book is the first time Byars created a parody of (or homage to) the format and typographic style of the Nouvelle Revue Francaise Editions Gallimard. This was later to incur the wrath of the publishing house. One of 1,000 issued. Fine. Now scarce.
MONUMENT TO CLEOPATRA. 1989.Rome: Cleto Polcina, 1989 26 x 24 cm folder which opens out to cross and gold inside cover. Inside, a red wrapper contains six loose folded sheets, varying from of four to eight pages, showing various works, a biography and a text ‘Gold is only the beginning of art: the art of painting’ by Achille Bonito Oliva. Fine.
THE PALACE OF GOOD LUCK. 1989. OBJECT MULTIPLE AS INVITE.Rivoli: Castello di Rivoli, 1989 10.5 x 15cm, closed printed envelope - black on gold paper. The announcement for a solo show by Byars - the envelope has inside three small plastic balls that can only be found by felling through the paper. An invite in the form of an object multiple. Slight wear to the outside of the envelope due to the plastic balls creating a stress on the paper else VG+ (and unopened). Scarce.
P.I.T.L. UNIQUE WORK IN A SERIES. 1990s.N.p.: s.p., n.d. 24cm, 4pp dia. black card circle which is folded along a slightly flattened edge on the left. Opens up to display the text “P.I.T.L.” handwritten by Byars in his starry hand. Unique within a series of such works all hand made. Limitation of series unknown.
P.I.I.T.L. (PERFECT IS IN THE LOUVRE). 1990.Florence: Exempla / Exit Editions / Zona Archives, 1990 21 x 14.5 cm, 4pp. Self-covers. Artist’s book – the title text stands for “PERFECT IS IN THE LOUVRE” and the book is a parody of (or hommage to) the format and typographic style of the Nouvelle Revue Françaisem Editions Gallimard. One of 1,000 issued. Fine. Now scarce.
UNTITLED (BIBLIOTECA NAZIONALE FIRENZE). 1990. VERY RARE BYARS' EMPHEMERA - NOT IN THE BYARS CATALOGUE RAISONNEUNTITLED (BIBLIOTECA NAZIONALE FIRENZE). 1990. VERY RARE BYARS' EMPHEMERA - NOT IN THE BYARS CATALOGUE RAISONNEFirenze: Zona Archives, 1990 22 x 5.7cm, 2pp strip of card, creased for folding and printed on both sides – on one with a small colour image of the artist and the whole side laminated – and on the reverse in one section there is the text ‘James Lee Byars, Bilblioteca Nazionale, Firenze, Zona Archives, Novembre 1990’. The whole is designed to be folded into a cube (with open top and bottom). Extremely scarce emphera from Byars and not in the Byars catalogue raisonne. Fine condition.
THE GRAND SALON OF JAMES LEE BYARS. c. 1990. HAND ADDRESSED BY BYARSTexas: Contemporary Arts Museum, 1990 14 x 20.5cm printed black envelope with a text (“Contemporary Arts Museum invites you to the Perfect Thought by James Lee Byars…..”) in gold calligraphy on the front, enclosed is a length of golden thread. V Hand addressed and mailed by Byars to Christian Germaine and his family of Paris.
TWO HANDWRITTEN LETTERS BY JAMES LEE BYARS TO BRANDON KRALL BOTH PAGES IN HIS STARRY SCRIPT. UNIQUE NO DATE (EARLY 90s)TWO HANDWRITTEN LETTERS BY JAMES LEE BYARS TO BRANDON KRALL BOTH PAGES IN HIS STARRY SCRIPT. UNIQUE NO DATE (EARLY 90s)Two folded black pieces of hand edged paper – 30 x 32cm, and 32.5 x 29cmm. Both with handwritten text in gold ink with Byars’ unmistakable starry stylings. The first seems to read “B I **** luck try that on yr modest group (the ***** of Godess??) you I hope you have a very creative” And the second: ” time. Have call’d S 7 – I made it all official SEV times (??) Ate 8 – mouthfuls of **** yeats (years?). You keeping him here?? 9 – Make me some luck please. How material is a work 10 – make me some faith?? What is a work?? 11 Thank ytou for yr letter Let’s meet up soon Yrs JLB.” Bother are hard to read. We understand these were sent to Brandon Krall (the B is for Brandon) from who we purchased the letters. The introduction of the numbering in the second letter from 9 is curious – but the two clearly related to each other and one text continues from the previous one. The letters were delivered by hand to Krall by Byars. Fine condition. Unique.
HANDWRITTEN LETTER BY JAMES LEE BYARS TO BRANDON KRALL . UNIQUE NO DATE (EARLY 90s)A heavily crushed thin sheet of black paper (sent to Brandon Krall) with the hand-written text “Ideal” in the centre in red ink. Date unknown but 1990s. Some tiny tears to the paper where the thin tissue has been folded during the crushing. The work was given by Byars in this form (by hand to Krall).
HANDWRITTEN LETTER ON FOLDED CARD BY JAMES LEE BYARS. UNIQUE NO DATE (EARLY 90s)35 x 25cm, 4pp (folded single sheet of black card) with A the hand-written letter which reads “Brandon ****** standing up is ideal” in gold ink. Date unknown but early 1990s. The work was given by Byars in this form (by hand to Krall). The writing is so hard to read with the embellishments that this is almost an abstract work. VG condition (some minor edge damage to the card not affecting text) and unique. If you can decipher the text then do contact us!
THE PERFECT THOUGHT WORKS BY JAMES LEE BYARS. 1990. SIGNED & DEDICATED BY AUTHOR.Houston: Contemporary Arts Museum, 1990 27.5 x 21cm, 156pp plus red cloth boards and pictorial dust jacket. First edition of this well-researched monograph issued on the occasion of the large scale Texan exhibition which was planned to bring Byars to a wider American audience. The essays and introductions are good and the entire book is illustrated in b/w and full colour plates (mostly of Byar’s classically formed sculptures although paper works and performances are well represented too) but Elliott’s “Notes towards an autobiography” is an extensive timeline of Byar’s career and life and still unsurpassed in empathy. This example has some closed tears on the back and the front of the dustjacket near the spine and some wear and tear along the foldlines of the dj but internally fine. Scarce.
ZERO MASS. 1990. WITH MULTIPLE HAND-MADE CLAY BALL. ONE OF 50 DELUXE SIGNED COPIES.Lund: Propexus, 1990 28 x 29.5 x 8.5 cm box with printed bandeau. Internal a book with metal board covers and 320pp. The deluxe edition consisting of a handmade (rough sphere) clay multiple by James Lee Byars, titled “The Sphere of Generosity,” and a blue steel covered book by Eric Orr and Byars. The book contains “The Matter of O,” a rubber-stamped stain of Orr’s blood; “Skull Page,” made of handmade paper using Kozo fibers and a powdered mummy skull with red screenprinting. Pages 25 / 26 were hand-torn by the artist. The book, a monograph / catalogue raisonné by Orr with interventions by Byars, and multiple are housed in a large polystyrene box and slipcased in a screenprinted cardboard box. An overwhelmingly well produced project that sets a high standard for both artists’ publications and artist designed monographs. This is one of the very small number of signed examples. Fine
UNTITLED LETTER (HEART). 1990s. VERY LARGE UNIQUE WORK ON PAPER145.4 x 117.5cm, graphite on heart shaped gold paper. A letter to the art historian Toni Stoss – the text in Byars starry writing is hard to read. Folded for posting but now displayed unfolded on a backing board. Minor repaired tears at a couple of corners. Unique – probably early 1990s.
UNTITLED (WHERE’S YR POET LAUREATE?). c. 1990. ORIGINAL HUGE HANDWRITTEN LETTER.Very large original paper letter on two pieces of conjoined crepe paper – opens to 246 x 33.5cm (folded many times for posting down to 13.5 x 18cm). An original letter from Byars to Paul Jolle congratulating the latter on some unspecified (perhaps spurious) promotion. The text is written in Byar’s handwriting. The text says: “DEAR MR J. CONGRATULATIONS. ON YR NEWEST INVENTED POSITION, SEC OF ST. CH. DON’T YOU LOVE ABBREVIATIONS AND NOW AS CHIEF OF CH. WHERE’S YR POET LAUREATE? SUPPOSE AFTER THE FIRST WORD OF THE P.L. IS PERFECT THAT CH. EVEN GETS OFFICIALLY ENGLISH. HOW VERY EXCELLENT TO BE AN OFFIC. POLYGLOT COUNTRY WITH A WHITE POETIC FLAG. I DO HOPE YOU’VE BEEN ABLE TO SEE GREAT ONLY BY NOW. IF NOT CALL JURGEN CH. AT THE KUNST-MUSEUM FOR A VERY CAREFUL EXAMINATION. ALSO YOU SHOULD ASK FOR A SPECIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE PERFECT WHISPER FOR YOU. AWAITING YOUR RPLY. SINCERELY JAMES LEE BYARS BERN.” Paul Jolles was a Swiss diplomat who Byars befriended after he met the artist at the Toni Gerber Gallery in Bern. Apart from being heavily folded this is in very good condition and is a typical and early brief from the romantic minimalist (with an air of appealing for a commission about it).
UNTITLED (LITTLE SHORT GOLD SUMMER FLAG). C. 1990. ORIGINAL HUGE TWO PART HANDWRITTEN LETTER ON SHAPED PAPER.UNTITLED (LITTLE SHORT GOLD SUMMER FLAG). C. 1990. ORIGINAL HUGE TWO PART HANDWRITTEN LETTER ON SHAPED PAPER.Two part, very large, original paper letter – each 100 x 34.5cm on gold shaped paper where the top of the paper resembles a dome. Both sheets are folded many times for posting down to 13.5 x 18cm). An original letter from Byars to Paul Jolle congratulating the latter on some unspecified (perhaps spurious) promotion. The text is written in Byar’s handwriting. The text says: “DEAR GREAT MR J. THE POWER OF THE GR.(?) PLEASE DON’T YOU THINK ONE OF MY XXXXX WOULD LOOK FINE HIGH UP IN SOME PARLIAMENT ROOM I’M HAVING EXHIBITION (sic) AT GERBERS AND AND THIS AFTERNOON / I’D LOVE TO SEE YOU. I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT CH’D LET IT’S POETIC FLAG GET SO RENEWED. I’M HOPING FOR A VERY GREAT CREATIVE RESP. FROM THE BERN INTELLECTUALS? HELP? I DO HOPE YOU LIKE LITTLE SHORT GOLD SUMMER FLAG TOO? REGARDS AND THANK YOU B.” The words are hard to read in places but as usual Byars is being both flattering and hinting at a possible commission from the reader at the same time. The “little short gold summer flag” may well refer to the two shaped gold pieces of paper the letter is written on. Byars was always very admiring of the simplicity of the Swiss flag. Both folded parts of the letter are housed in an original 13 x 17.7cm white enveleope on which Byars has drawn a large letter “J” in his starry handwriting style. Paul Jolles was a Swiss diplomat who Byars befriended after he met the artist at the Toni Gerber Gallery in Bern. Apart from being heavily folded and the odd tiny tear at the indexes of folds this is in very good condition and is a typical brief from the romantic minimalist (if with an air of self interest about it).
THE THINKING FIELD. 1992.NYC: Mary Boone, 1992 15.5 x 21cm, 4pp. Announcement card for a solo show by Byars including the large title installation of marble spheres on a large stone field. Inside gallery details. This example has some red ink and a rubber stamp impression inside "Artist's File" else VG+.
TYPED LETTER TO MONSIEUR AND MADAME ERIC GERMAIN. 1992.Tillhet-Pretnare, Jeanne TYPED LETTER TO MONSIEUR AND MADAME ERIC GERMAIN. Signed and dated 17 Mars 1992 30 x 21cm, 2pp – a legal opinion about Byars use of the Gallimard cover style written to two of Byars’ patrons in France. Antoine Gallimard had taken offence and tried to protect his copyright on the design. The letter warns of possible legal action and the impossibility of defending the publication if another was produced.
THE SELF PORTRAIT OF JAMES LEE BYARS. 1992.NYC: Baghoomian Gallery, 1992 21.5 x 21.5cm back sealed envelope content of a small plastic ball that can move around inside the paper. Gold printing on top left. Object multiple in the form of an announcement mailing. Fine.
JAMES LEE BYARS WORKS FROM THE 60S / RECENT WORKS. 1993.NYC: Michael Werner, 1993 19 x12cm, unpaginated (56)pp plus boards with tipped-on b/w reproduction of a work. The concise exhibition catalogue for two consecutive exhibitions in the Werner Gallery – the first being of works from the early part of Byars’ career (with seven b/w illustrations) and, a second show of more recent “books” (which are usually sculptures) which are all displayed herein as eight full colour plates.
THEPERFECTSMILE. 1993.Byars, James Lee THEPERFECTSMILE Köln: Museum Ludwig, 1993 25 x 65cm, folded (8 panels) leporello printed gold on thick card. Text in German – the card is able to stand up without support. JOINT AS ISSUED Byars, James Lee THEPERFECTSMILE Köln: Museum Ludwig, 1993 5 x 8cm, 1pp business card with the text THEPERFECTSMILE printed gold on black inside 8 x 11 black custom envelope. JOINT 22.3 x 32cm, black unprinted envelope which contained both of the above items. All fine.
SONNE MOND STERNE. 1993.A undistributed proof from the unreleased publication of the same name (planned by Edition Cantz). 33 x 33 cm, 2pp silk-screen print (chamois/white) on white double sided astrolux (high gloss) 290 micron card stock. The text is intense and in German and English recto/verso:"THE SUN THE MOON THE STARS....". the white on white printing is hard to read and has created a very beautiful and minimal card multiple. Very fine condition. Offered together with: 21 x 11cm, 2pp silkscreened black on double sided 290 micron white astrolux cardstock. The announcement /reply card for this edition - this time easily readable - they wanted some sales! Text in German. Fine.
THE CHAIR OF THE ARTIST AT HARVARD. 1994. 1.7cm DIA. BLACK CIRCLE PAPER EPHEMERA.Eindhoven: Van Abbemuseum, 1994 1.7cm dia. black circle with the text THE CHAIR OF THE ARTIST AT HARVARD printed in tiny typeface in the centre. Unlimited multiple but now very hard to find. VG+. There are three known variants of this multiple - a small black circle, a larger black circle and a 2.5 x 2.5cm black square.
UNTITLED (4 * 5 = 20!). c. 1994. UNIQUE WORK ON THIN VENEER.Six different 24×14 cm thin sheets of wood veneer with the formula 4 * 5 = 20! in Byars’ starry writing using red ink. A unique work – mounted in a glass and wooden frame. Please note: this work is found reproduced on some other dealer’s websites despite the fact we have owned it for over 12 years, exhibited it publicly and have asked them to take it down!
UNTITLED. 1994. BYARS PARODY?Amsterdam: Art Unlimited, 1994 10.5 x 15cm, 2pp artist postcard - here a field of yellow chicks on the front in colour which according to the card is a work "Untitled" by Byars however this seems unlikely and is probably a parody/joke. Included here as a curiosity - any information on this card would be gratefully received. VG+.
THE CHAIR OF THE ARTIST AT HARVARD. 1994. 2.5cm DIA. BLACK CIRCLE PAPER EPHEMERA.Eindhoven: Van Abbemuseum, 1994 2.5cm dia. black circle with the text THE CHAIR OF THE ARTIST AT HARVARD printed in tiny typeface in the centre. Unlimited multiple but now very hard to find. VG+.
THE CHAIR OF THE ARTIST AT HARVARD. 1994. BLACK SQUARE PAPER EPHEMERA.Eindhoven: Van Abbemuseum, 1994 2.5 x 2.5cm black square with the text THE CHAIR OF THE ARTIST AT HARVARD printed in tiny typeface in the centre. Unlimited multiple but now very hard to find. VG+.
WHITE MASS. 1995.Koln: Art-Station Sankt Peter, 1995 21 x 21cm, closed side – which opens up to a 63 x 63cm four winged cross. The white card has blind embossing and additionally printing in white/cream so that the text is very hard to read. The text is by Heinrich Hall. Found within the folded construction is a 10.5 x 15cm, 2pp map of the exhibition and short texts about content. Fine condition – this was both print edition and exhibition catalogue at the same time.
PERFECT IS MY DEATH WORD. 1995. CATALOGUE RAISONNE WITH REPRINTED EPHEMERA.Bremen. Neues Museum Weserburg, 1995 21 x 21cm folder which opens out to a cross. White card. 56pp inserted sheets and booklets in envelopes. The catalogue raisonne for Byars’ books, editions and ephemera. CD mounted inside. One of 1,200 copies. Fine.
UNTITLED (1995). RELIC AS UNIQUE WORKRelic. White porcelain circular dish, diameter 27.4 cm, filled with bread crumbs. This piece was created by J.L.B. for invited guests at the dinner offered by the Fondation Cartier pour L’Art Contemporain after the opening of his show at the restaurant “La Contre-Allée”, Paris, 1995. Fine.
BYARS. KUNST HEUTE NR 16. 1996.Koln, Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1996 21 x 15cm, 86pp plus card covers. A single number of the "Art Today" series of books which has an interview (In German) with Joachim Sartorius. B/w images of works. Not a great example - a former library book the covers are creased, have some marks from past adhesive and internally there are former library markings/stamps. Really a reading copy.
WHAT IS QUESTION? RESPONSES FROM FRIEDHELM MENNEKES HEINRICH HEIL WILLIAM CHARLTON JEAN-MICHEL RIBBETTES GIVEN AT THE TEMPLE OF THE FOUR WINDS CASTLE HOWARD NORTH YORKSHIRE 8TH MARCH 1996WHAT IS QUESTION? RESPONSES FROM FRIEDHELM MENNEKES HEINRICH HEIL WILLIAM CHARLTON JEAN-MICHEL RIBBETTES GIVEN AT THE TEMPLE OF THE FOUR WINDS CASTLE HOWARD NORTH YORKSHIRE 8TH MARCH 1996Halifax, UK: Henry Moore Institute, 1996 30 x 20cm, 32pp in black embossed covers. One colour and one b/w tipped on photographs. Artist’s book where Byars asked the open-ended title question of four European thinkers: their Responses are reproduced in the original language and in English. The event took place during Byars’ display of his large scale sculptural work ‘The Monument to Language’ – which is reproduced herein. Slight wear to the thick black wrappers with minor damage at top and bottom of spine.
WATERISTHEHIGHESTGOOD...... c. 1996.N.p.: n.p., n.d. (c. 1996) 21.8 x 21.8cm, 1pp. Small offset leaflet with a text by Byars (which was originally printed by a dot matrix printer to allow it to be small) in the middle of the sheet in a square shape. We are unable to find other details of this item and any help in identifying it would be gratefully received. VG.
STONES. PAPER MULTIPLE. 1997. ARTIST'S LAST EVER MULTIPLE.Dublin: DHG, 1997 24 x 24cm, outer white printed envelope content of two other envelopes – one white and one black – both 23 x 23cm. The black one has a circular cut piece of black tissue paper and is a paper multiple by Byars, the other (white) has a printed image of a stone on a square white sheet by McKenna. Byars’ last paper multiple before his early death in Cairo later in the same year. Fine although the outer white envelope has some marks and one closed tear in the glued flap. Scarce.
JAMES LEE BYARS. 1997. ARTIST'S LAST SHOW.Bremen: Gakerie Stadtpark, 1997 10.5 x 15cm, 2pp announcement card printed black on white with a reproduced drawing by Byars of his initials (JLB) on the front. This exhibition began only one month before Byars died in Cairo. Fine.
JAMES LEE BYARS. THE PERFECT DEATH. NUMERO SPECIAL POINT D'IRONIE. 1997.Paris: Point d’Ironie/Agnes b, 1997 42 X 30CM, 2pp. Single sheet printed offset with the text “The Perfect Death” in the middle of the black in gold. This was the first ever number of the Point d’Ironie produced only at an art event soon after Byars death. This example has some edge damage and creases and has been folded in the past but is an Uber-rare item.
THE PERFECT EPITAPH. 1997.N.p.: N.p., 1997 29.5 x 17.5cm, 4pp. What appears to be a magazine or book insert published soon after Byars' death as homage. The middle pages are printed in gold with no text. The holes for staples that presumably held this sheet in place in the middle of another publication can be seen else VG+. We would appreciate any information as to the original source of this publication.
DISAPPEARING ACT. 1998.NYC: Bound & Unbound/Leslie Tonkonow, 1998 30.8 x 21.4cm, blue on white small poster for a group show where all of the items were designed to rot or disappear over time – included work by James Lee Byars, George Maciunas, Dieter Roth, Andy Warhol, Alison Knowles, General Idea, and others. Folded twice for storage else VG.
THE GOLDEN TOWER. 1999.Köln. Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, 1999 22.5 x 14.55 cm. Unpaginated. Artist’s book published after the artist’s death – every page is black as are the boards and slip case and texts by Byars are included on some pages by die cut holes. One of 333 copies – fine. Rather beautiful.
JAMES LEE BYARS ANTHOLOGY. 1999.Haute-Normandie: Editions Vitriol, 1999 17 x 14cm, unpaginated in cream silk covered boards and in original black plastic slipcase with hole. Monograph and exhibition catalogue with one full colour images of Byars. Text is white on white. VG but the choice of silk was unfortunate as it seems to sweat and stick to the plastic slipcase. The whole in a pink paper wrapper with gold closure sticker.
PERFECT IS MY DEATH WORD. 1999.Paris: Maison Levanneur, 1999 19 x 19cm, 2pp announcement card for a posthumous show and a resulting monograph "Perfect is my death word" - with a full colour portrait of Byars in a huge red cloak on the front, verso gallery details. VG+.
OBSCURED BY CLOUDS. 2007. FIRST RETROSPECTIVE IN SCOTLAND.Edinburgh: Heart Gallery, 2007 10.5 x 15cm, 2pp. Announcement card with a text and one work reproduced (a plate of shaped bread) in colour verso. The first retrospective in Scotland of Byars’ work – much of this collection was shown at that time. Fine.
JAMES LEE BYARS. 1/2 AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 2014.Mexico/Koln/NYC: Museo Jumex/ Walther König/MoMA PS1, 2014. 24 x 17cm, 302pp plus plasticised wrappers. Monograph and exhibition catalogue for a large scale retrospective that began in Mexico but travelled to the USA. Colour and b/w images throughout. Texts in Spanish. VG+.
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