
London: s.p. (Collins), n.d. (1970)
27 x 20.5cm, 1pp original xerox sheet. The sheet has four poly-photo (passport photographs) and a text:
“This is to certify that James Collins is a complete stranger to me and that he approached me:” and with the fields “Place/Time/Date completed by the subject of the work. The text continues “and that I agree to participate in an art work where I move my head from side to side very slowly and at the same time think of myself moving it very fast. The piece would be documented by four Poly-Photos paid for by James Collins and attached to this form. Signed:”
The sheet has an original and vintage “poly-photo” (nowadays more commonly called a Passport Photographic Strip) of the subject tipped onto the paper carrying out the action.
Collins has mounted the xerox onto card for exhibition using two strips of adhesive tape.
Essentially this is a vintage conceptual art works by Collins who in the 70s was interested in the dynamics of strangers meeting new people (including the artist). Such works are mentioned in Lucy Lippard’s Dematerialisation of the Art Object and this is a rare find purchased directly from a friend of Collins who was given the works as a gift in the artist’s last days.
VG + condition but are tipped onto the card using tape at the top and bottom.

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