NYC: Kulchur, 1960 – 1961
Four separate numbers – the first four issues of this Beat-era literary and critical review. Uniformly 21.5 x 14cm, 52pp, 92pp, 94pp and 104pp plus card covers.
The first number (stapled) has contributions by Paul Bowles (Ketama -Taza), William Burroughs (The Conspiracy), Fielding Dawson, DIane Di Prima, Allen Ginsberg (Paterson), Erick Hawkins, Basil King (various b/w abstract drawings), Richard Kraft, Robert Nichols, Charles Olson, Donald Phelps, Martin Williams and Marian Zazeela (a woodcut).
The second number (perfect bound) has contributions by Paul Bowles, Gregory Corso, Fielding Dawson, Diane Di Prima, John Fles, Paul Goodman, Jack Green, Leroi Jones, William McNaughton, Charles Olson, Joel Oppenheim, Donald Phelps, Gilbert Sorrentino, A. B. Spellman, Parker Tyler , Martin Williams and Jonathan Williams.
The third number (perfect bound) has contributions by William Burroughs (in search of Yage), Paul Bowles, Julien Beck, George Brecht, Gregory Corso, Fielding Dawson, Diane Di Prima, John Fles, Allen Ginsberg (Breughel – Triumph of Death), Herbert Huncke, Tuli Kupferberg, Jack Kerouac, Joel Oppenheim, Donald Phelps, Gilbert Sorrentino, A. B. Spellman, and Gary Snyder.
The forth number (perfect bound) famously has a cover showing William S. Burroughs and Jack Kerouac in Paris, ca. 1955 pretending to be detectives and has contributions by Osmond Beckwith, Harry Black, Cid Corman, Fielding Dawson, Edward Dorn, Robert Duncan, Paul Goodman, Leroi Jones, Ron Loewinsohn, Walter Lowenfels, Joel Oppenheim, Gilbert Sorrentino and Louis Zukofsky.
8 x 18cm, 1pp black on green typographic subscription card for Kulchur.
Slight rubbing to card covers on all numbers else VG+. Scarce part run of this important serial publication (20 = ALL) .
Price is for all 4 numbers as a group.
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