Appelscha: Kabouter Kongres Nu Anti Autoritaire Oppositie, 1970
30 x22cm, outer printed wrap around folder content of 15 differnet documents assembled from organisations and individuals taking part in the major two-day “anti-authoritarian” Kaboutier conference in Appelscha.
There are contributions from Dolle MIna 2pp stapled mimeograph on Anti-Autoritaire Gemeenschapsstukken) Constant Nieuwenhuis (2pp stapled mimeograph explaining the New Babylon concept), an off-print on Communes in Nederlandes, an introduction by Harm Zuidema, 5pp mimeograph “Buten- Parlementaire Oppositie Ofwel van Anarchist tot Christen” by Otto Boetes, De Studentenoppositie en het Anti-Autoritaire Onderwijs by Jan Bervoets, De Quakers Als Anti-Autoritaire Godsdienstige Gemeenschap by Otto Boetes, and an offprint De Opmars der Kabouters is niet een vlucht uit de Maatschappij. All VG+.
JOINT: A newspaper clipping from Vrij Nederland from 23 Mei 1970 with a report about the congress. Brouwned but else VG.
Together a very scarce Kabouter document about a lesser reported event with contributions from many of the best known left organisations and personalities.
1 in stock