Paris: Les Editions Georges Artigues, 1948
27.5 x 19cm, 86pp plus original wrappers. The reprint of the Marquis de Sade’s book exploring incest and the immorality of making one’s daughter one’s lover. Here Valentine Hugo has provided 8 illustrations hors texte which show the relationship being one of romance rather than exploitation which matches the surrealists’ support for the “devine marquis”.
This is a service du press copy on velin signed by Hugo on the last page and marked “S.P.” in pencil and on the first blank page she has also written an extensive dedication to Guy D’Humeur (?) – Les bonheurs et malheurs d’Eugenie petitte fille modele de la Bibliotheque noire avec l’amitie de Valentine Hugo” and dated 27/1/49.
VG+ example.
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