Paris: n.p., 29 juin 1968
28 x 21cm, 4pp, black on orange mimeographed leaflet. During Mai 1968, the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts (ENSB-A) was one of the major centres of student unrest. Then, and now, it was the major art school within Paris. The institution was suspended, occupied by students and later placed under police occupation/closed. Students from the Ecole were at the heart for the agitation against De Gaulle and Pompideau and were at the centre of many political events as ‘Les Enrages’ took to the streets and encouraged worker occupations of the factories. This is a summary of the activities of the radical committee set up by students and lectures at the Ecole Nationales Supieure des Beaux Arts to co-ordinate action against the university and government. The leaflet reports back on what they have been doing to further their action including contacts with a number of other bodies including the Institut d’urbanisme, Ecole Special d’architecture, Atelier Tony Garnier, Arets et metiers, Ecole des Ponts, Ecole Traveaux Publiques, Arts Decos, UNCAF, CEDER, FFMJC, ADELS and others. Fine.
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