Amsterdam: Van Holkema & Warendorf, 1924
24.5 x 15.5cm, 318pp plus original wrappers. The first edition of this extensive memoir by Jacobs who was the first woman to officially attend a Dutch university, to become one of the first female physicians in the Netherlands and the woman who founded the world’s first birth control clinic. Later she became a major figure in female emancipation and led campaigns aimed at deregulating prostitution, improving women’s working conditions, promoting peace and calling for women’s right to vote.
This is the first edition of this book (later reprinted in 1978 by a socialist grouping) and is very scarce in any condition. The spine has lost its ribbon binding (leaving rough patches) and there are stains on both wrappers and some creases and minor edge damage. The pages are printed on cheap paper so there is browning along some edges, however it is solid and complete and an important document of female liberation.
1 in stock