Bruxelles: Groupe Surrealiste – Revolutionnaire en Belgique, le 10 octobre 1947.
13.5 x 22 cm, 4 offset red on beige, signed on behalf of the le Groupe Surrealiste – Revolutionnaire en Belgique by S. Allen et P. Bourgoignie. After the war, the politically active Belgian surrealists (who had remained in Europe to fight the Nazis clandestinely) began to organise themselves separately, freed from the strictures of the now greatly occult-orientated Breton who had left for the US and Mexico during the occupation of France. The Belgium section wished for a more experimental, loose-knit surrealism which could survive and flourish without the founder’s approval and this would of course irritate Breton who was never slow to dissociate dissenters from the official surrealists. Eventually this strand of post-war avant garde-ism found itself emerging as one of the primary strands of thought that led to Cobra, the ‘Bauhaus Imaginiste’ and, ultimately, the IS. Fine example of this rare document.
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