Basel: Galerie Bruno Bischofberger, 1967
25 x 17.5cm, 32pp (self cover). Black on white paper. The third number of this artist’s journal (4 = ALL) and artist’s book published by Daniel Spoerri and Kichka Baticheff during the period 1966 to 1967 under the title of the “Nothing Else Review” (a joke based on Higgin’s Something Else Press).
Issue number 3 includes original and reprinted writings by Michel Foucault, Mircea Eliande, Fiodor Dostoiewsky, Micchel Volonakis, Levi-Strauss, H.G. Wells, Joyce M. Stubbes, Ali Bab and others. Spoerri includes a long essay – Dissertation sur le ou la Keftedes – which includes a recipe for “Simi Christmas Pudding” which may well be delicious.
A near fine example.
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