Amsterdam: Lover, 1975 – 1981.
Numbers to 1980 – uniformly 28 x 21cm, pagination varies but typically 36pp. Illustrated wrappers. From 1981 – 30 x 21cm, pagination varies but typically 36pp. Twenty-four separate numbers starting with 75 -1 and ending with 81 – 4. A near continuous run of this four times a year Dutch theoretical journal from the second generation of feminism. Articles on feminism, sexual relations, reproduction rights, and more general topics. Illustrated with cartoons. Articles by Kate Millett, Catherine Halkes, Saskia Poldervaart, Tineke van Loosbroek, Anne Marie Beretens, and many others. Each of the publications has details on the work of other feminist groups like Dolly Mina at the back of each number.
Missing only four numbers from the run – thus nrs 75-3, 76-3, 76-4, 77-1 else complete between 1975 and 1982.
All VG+ although one has ink annotations internally on some articles.
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