
NYC: Film-Maker’s Cinemateque, 1967
32 x 20cm, b/w offset. The poster for the famous topless performance of the Paik work which led to Moorman’s arrest. “Shortly before 6 policemen jumped on the stage and arrested her. Charlotte was performing Brahms “Lullaby” on the cello while two battery-powered propellers, taped to her breasts, whirled away. After a wild demonstration, the topless cellist was finally persuaded to go to the Police Station where she was booked for lewd and indecent exposure.” Later Moorman won a famous legal victory which allowed performers in New York to cite artistic merit in performing naked or partially unclothed. The poster quotes Paik as pointing to the hypocrisy that music and new music cannot involve itself in sex and his intention to undo that tradition. Other artists noted include Kosugi and Yalkut. Folded for storage else VG.

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