n.p. (Prague although “printed in Austria” and presumably smuggled in): n.p. (poss. 68 Publishers), n,d. (1985?)
21.5 x 15.5cm, 196pp. Plain green cloth boards. Xerox copy of an Austrian printed copy of this novel. Professionally bound but the Xeroxing of the pages was a little careless with edges of the original pages very obvious. This copy is also a variant of a Samizdat book of the same name (previously offered by us and sold) which was in carbon copy typed version from 1980 – hence this copy is a variant on that publication but not from the typed text in the other book. Both Xerox and cc copies were used by samizdat publishers of such texts – it is not clear if both variants were published / circulated by the same person or whether the productions were independent of each other. It is known that both an internally produced copy of the work (created by Petlice the anti-State publishing house) and an externally published version (by 68 Publishers) were released within the Republic. Very good +.
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