Paris: Le Comité pour l’Espagne libre, n.d. (1964)
30 x 21cm, 1pp. A political tract condemning Franco in Spain and his fascist government. There is an image of the General with Hitler at the Hendaye station in 1940 and a text calling for teh end of his dictatorship in Spain, signed in print by Colette Audry, Vincent Auriol, Claude Autant-Lara, Robert Barrat, Ch.-Aug. Bontemps, Claude Bourdet, André Breton, Jean Cassou, Jean Cotereau, Denis Forestier, Jean Galtier-Boissière, Maurice Joyeux, Alfred Kastler, Henri Laugier, Morvan Lebesque, Louis Martin-Chauffier, Georges Montaron, Jean Paulhan, André Philip, Emmanuel Roblès , Laurent Schwartz, Manès Sperber, Henry Torres, Robert Treno. Very slight edge wear at top else VG.
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