NYC: Reflux, 2002
12 x 9 x 2cm, two part custom plastic box (white lower section and transparent upper) content of a number of single elements each from one of the other Reflux boxes – such as a mirror from the Ono Box of Smile, the badge from Friends Garnisht Kigele, some page inserts and event cards from Brecht and Riddle, some white power from Knizak’s Fluxus White Meditation, seeds and beads from Brecht’s bead puzzle, a key from the Burglary Fluxkit, two playing cards – Ben and Maciunas – and so on and so on, This was the assemblage catalogue for sale at an exhibition of the Reflux works at New York’s printed matter. All the elements are original vintage items from Maaciunas’s own stocks. This is internally fine but one of the plastic tabs which form the hinge on the two parts of the box is broken off – the box still closes firmly but we have priced this to take account of the damage. Additionally there is a list of all the Reflux boxes published by Barbara Moore. Very scarce – actually even more difficult to find than some of the Reflux boxes themselves.
1 in stock
Ben Patterson | Daniel Spoerri | Dick Higgins | Emmett Williams | Eric Andersen | George Maciunas | Henry Flynt | J. J. Lambert | Jackson Mac Low | La Monte Young | Nam June Paik | Yoko Ono