n.p.: Internationale Situationniste, July 1964
24 x 14cm, 1pp. The announcement leaflet for the publication of two detourned photographs (both are reproduced in b/w on the leaflet) which promote the ideals of the Internationale Situationist and are deliberately provocative by their use of nude females. This is the Spanish only version (there was another in French and Spanish) and the text argues for revolutionary force of the love of freedom and free love (el amor de la libertad y la libertad del amor). Additionally it denounces condemns the alliance (union sagrada) between the Catholic Church and Franco and calls for the abolition of the fascist regime in Spain. IN VG+ – the Spanish only version is actually much harder to find than the French/Spanish version (written by Vaneigem in July 1964, then translated by Eduardo Rothe).
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