Hannover: Studio der edition h, 1969
30 X 21cm, three stapled 1pp sheets – two are b/w offset and one is a mimeograph leaflet on green paper. Two b/w photographs – one of a mine with stacked fuel and another of a family (mother and children) from 1943 in front of their wood pile (again fuel) which Ulrichs notes as a totalkunst-objekt. The front page advertises a “total-kunst-demonstation” in his studio in Fenruary 1969. VG+.
Matrizendruck: Programmbeschreibung. Blatt 3: holz-stoß (totalkunst-objekt, 1943). Blatt 4: nachtrag zum katalog der 4. documenta. DIN A 4. OPapier, original-geklammert. – Frühes, typisches Materialbündel Timm Ulrichs’. – Faltspuren, sonst sauberes, sehr gutes Exemplar.
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