Paris: Musee PIcasso, 2005
15 x 21cm, 2pp. Announcement card for an exhibition of works by Bacon shown alongside paintings by Picasso. The front of the card is a b/w image of Bacon in his studio. VG+.
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Francis Bacon | George Dyer | Pablo Picasso
Georges Hugnet | Germaine Tailleferre | Pablo Picasso
Hans Arp | HENRI MATISSE | HENRI ROUSSEAU | L.H. Neitzel | Pablo Picasso
Alberto Giacometti | Andre Schaeffner | Camille Mauclair | Carl Einstein | Charles-Henri Puech | Dr Pudelko | Edouard Kasyade | Geoges Monnet | Georges Bataille | Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes | Georges-Henri Riviere | Georgette Camille | Henry-Charles Puech | Jacques Baron | Jacques Prevert | Leo Frobenius | Leon-Pierre Quint | Marcel Griaule | Marcel Jouhandeau | Marcel Mauss | Marie Elbe | Michel Leiris | Pablo Picasso | Robert Desnos | Roger Vitrac