Berlin: Rotation Verlag, 1978
21 x 30cm, 92pp. Original card wrappers. Interesting catalogue raisonne of posters created as part of the campaign to end the, then, German policy of refusing state employment to supporters of the Communist Party and far left groups. On 28 January 1972 the federal government and the premiers of the states instituted the so-called Radikalenerlass (Anti-Radical Decree). Under this decree, people who were considered to be a member or aligned to an extremist organization, were banned from work as civil servants, which includes a variety of public sector occupations such as teaching. The decree was declared as response to terrorism by the Red Army Faction. B/w images of posters throughout. Probably one of the few books dealing with this issue which was mostly repealed in the states after 1980. Minor marks to wrappers else VG.
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