n.p. (Prague): n.p. (10 year Flexi Disc), n.d. (but c. 1980s)
31 x 21cm, unpaginated but approx, 50pp. Xerox pages. Stapled in home made boards with original taped spine. An illegal (at the time Czechoslovakia was under Communist rule and such items were not officially allowed and access to methods of reproduction controlled) fanzine which was translated into Czech from Western sources with many essays, reviews, punk graphics, articles on bands such as The Stupids, articles on Finnish punk and other areas of related interest. It was music (albeit psychedelic music really via the Plastic People) that fuelled the early protests against the regime that led to the formation of Charter 77 and the eventual Velvet Revolution but punk was especially discouraged with its perceived links (falsely) to nazi-ism and personal non-conformity. This is a very rare example of the sort of samizdat publication that was distributed from person to person and, could perhaps (more than any Western publication) really claim to capture the punk spirit. Minor wear. Rare as all period Samizdat items are.
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