Bruxelles: La Louviere, n.d. (c. 1947)
9 x 14cm, 2pp typographic design announcement card (black on pink) for this show which included Arp, Brauner, Chirico, Dali, Ernst, Klee, Maar, Magritte, Mesens, Miro, Man Ray and Tanguy amongst others. It also announces a conference with ELT Mesens lecturing on the poems of Irene Hamoir as well as his own work. Scarce ephemera. Fine.
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De Sade | Georges Bataille | Henry Miller | John Cleland | Olympia Press
Bernard Dufour | Bona de Mandiargues | Camille Bryen | Cardenas | Cesar | Henri Michaux | Hundertwasser | Jorge Camacho | Marcel Duchamp | Oyvind Falhstrom | Roberto Matta | Victor Brauner | Wifredo Lam